Portfolio selection
The current portfolio is shown on the top left of the main window:
To change the portfolio, click on the box to search for another portfolio, or click on the arrow to the right of the box to display a list of portfolios.
Tip: you can change the order of the portfolios in the portfolio list view
Edit menu
Change the title of the portfolio
Delete the portfolio
Make a copy of the portfolio
- If the portfolio is a blend or a group, you will have the option to copy as a blend/group or only copy the positions. If you choose to only copy the positions, the copy will only have the high-level view of the portfolio, i.e. it will not contain the components information.
- A model portfolio may be converted to a real portfolio. You will be prompted for the total value of the portfolio that should be used to convert the weights into number of shares.
- A real portfolio may be converted to a model portfolio. Note that as a result of the conversion, the 'number of shares' for each position will be discarded.
You may attach text notes to the portfolio. The first line of the notes will be displayed in the portfolio directory list.