Accounts from Portfolio Pathway may be linked into Kwanti. With a linked account, the portfolio position data is transferred automatically from Portfolio Pathway every time you restart Kwanti.
Note: Only the latest portfolio positions are transferred. The portfolio history (transactions) is not transferred. In the performance section, Kwanti will show results based on the hypothetical you choose in the Simulation drop down.
- Contact Portfolio Pathway Service at and ask for the feed to be activated.
- PP Service provides the authorization form and advisor ID associated with the feed
- Contact kwanti at and provide the advisor ID
- kwanti confirms activation within one business day
Select Import->Portfolio Pathway from the application's main screen. To link an account:
- Select one or more of the client's accounts from the list of accounts
- Click 'Import'
Data transferred
- Positions
Grouping accounts
If you select more than one account, their positions will be grouped and the resulting portfolio will have merged positions from the accounts.