A group is a combination of real portfolios that is useful as a household view. Group portfolios are recognized by the icon . To create a group:
- In the application starting screen, select New -> Group
- An empty group portfolio is created. Click on Components:
- Click on Add Portfolio to designate portfolios that are part of the group. In the example below, three portfolios were added:
The components may be any real portfolio or portfolio from a partner.
To remove a portfolio from a group, click on Components, then click on the X icon at the end of the portfolio row.
You may also navigate to any component by simply clicking on the name of the component.
Advisor fees
Fees for the group are the weighted average of the group components. You can confirm this by clicking on the Advisor Fee in the the household, showing (*) Average of portfolio components, as shown in the picture below:
For example, if the group components are portfolio A with 1% advisor fee and portfolio B with a 0.5% advisor fee and both components are of equal value, the group will show 0.75% advisor fee ( = 1% * 0.5 + 0.5% * 0.5).
You may override the group weighted average. When you do so, the fees in each component portfolio no longer participate in the calculation (however they remain when you look at those portfolios individually).
In summary, the system ensures that there is no duplication of fees between the group and its components. The group advisor fee is either:
- The weighted average of the component portfolios fees (by default)
- A fee you manually enter, in which case the component fees are ignored
You can verify the details of fees by consulting the Log view of the 'Performance' tab and filtering for 'Fees'.
- You can not group more than 25 portfolios.
- You can not place a group inside a group.