To view the income analysis, select the Income tab of the portfolio view.
This analysis estimates the portfolio income for the next 12 months:
- dividends from stocks and funds
- interest payments from fixed income assets
Capital gains are not included in yield calculations
The values shown are an estimate based on the trailing 12 months distributions*. The actual future distributions may vary depending on the security issuer's approval, and there is no guarantee that the actual distributions will be equal to the values shown. For fixed income assets, the estimate assumes no default from the issuer.
*Optional - If you prefer to use SEC yield when available for the estimated income, that can be enabled for your account. When enabled, the estimate used in the Income tab of the tool as well as the Estimated Income page on the PDF report would be based on SEC yield. If no SEC yield is available, the TTM (trailing 12 month) yield is used for that asset. There is no guarantee that the actual distributions will be equal to the values shown. Please email to have this option enabled.
Even with this option enabled, the current yield of the portfolio shown on the Stats subtab of the Performance page in the tool as well as the Current Yield field under the Key Stats section of the PDF Performance page will utilize the TTM yield.
Details per position
To drill into the income estimate and the yield calculations, either click the 'Details' button or click on any of the summary level numbers on the left hand side table.
PDF report
The income and yield analysis may optionally be included in the PDF report.
Hypothetical Value for Model Portfolios
If looking at a model portfolio, you can edit the default hypothetical value of $100,000 by clicking on the portfolio value and updating the amount as you desire.
Video Tutorial: