As your list of portfolios grows, it may become difficult to manage. To better organize your work, you can create folders. For example, a folder to hold your models and a folder for each client or prospect. Multiple levels of folders are allowed, so you can create the structure that best suits your needs.
To create a folder, click New -> Folder
Moving portfolios to folders
You can move a portfolio by using one of these methods:
- With your mouse, drag and drop the portfolio to the folder
- Select one or more portfolios, then click Move
- Click the folder icon at the right end of the portfolio table row
- When viewing the portfolio, click Edit->Move
Renaming a folder
Click on the pencil icon next to the folder name
Shared folders
If your account includes portfolios shared from another Kwanti account, these shared portfolios appear in a Shared by ... folder. This folder can not be changed.
Video Tutorial: