To begin screening, start by selecting an Asset Type. Select any combination of ETF/MF/SMA Or Stocks.
*Note that SMA data is available as an add on data feed. You can view additional information on it here.
Criteria (ETF/MF/SMA):
- Asset Class
- Equity Style
- Equity Sector - Kwanti displays funds with at least a 25% allocation to the selected sector. Users can edit the min threshold within the Equity Sector criteria box.
- Equity Region - Kwanti displays funds with at least a 75% allocation to the selected region.
- Fund Category
- Fund Provider
- Expense Ratio - For each fund, Kwanti uses the expense ratio as reported in the fund's prospectus. These expenses include 12b-1 fees, management fees, administrative fees, operating costs, and all other asset-based costs incurred by the fund.
- Yield - The trailing 12 months yield: the sum of the last 12 months dividends, divided by the previous months end price of the asset
- Return (Annualized) - The total return, assuming reinvested dividends, over selected trailing periods as of previous months end
- Volatility - the volatility of monthly total returns over three trailing years (for closed-end funds and ETF's, we calculate the volatility using the market price of the fund, not the NAV)
- Income Duration
- Income Quality
- Turnover
- Sharpe
- Net Assets
- Tax Drag - measures how much a fund’s annualized return is reduced by the taxes investors pay on distributions.
Criteria (Stocks)
- Sector
- Stock Style
- Stock Region
- Stock Exchange - Filter between NYSE, NASDAQ and OTC stocks
- Yield - The trailing 12 months yield: the sum of the last 12 months dividends, divided by the previous months end price of the asset
- Return (Annualized) - The total return, assuming reinvested dividends, over selected trailing periods as of previous months end
- Volatility - the volatility of monthly total returns over three trailing years (for closed-end funds and ETF's, we calculate the volatility using the market price of the fund, not the NAV)
- Sharpe